Blog 6 – Engaging my PLN

I learned a lot about PLN by taking this course. PLN is a global online community, and PLN has unlimited openness. Ideas, resources and learning materials can be shared with educators around the world. It is maintained through various social media platforms and can be enhanced by following useful blogs and video content. And pln contains all types of social media that we use everyday, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. I also learned about the power of PLN, which allows me to communicate with scholars around the world and share ideas with each other. Since social media is an essential part of life and my social media has been able to form a very well developed PLN environment, I will keep using and developing it.

Because through pln learning and development of my pln, I will be more aware of my digital identity image, I will often spread positive thoughts on the internet, for example, I am a very passionate traveler, I will share my tips for each trip on social media, and some beautiful pictures of the scenery. And I hope to meet like-minded people through social media to discuss and travel together.And in I hope that by building a perfect and positive pln can increase my chances of finding a job, because I hope that the pln I show can attract more people.

But in the process of using social media we also need to pay attention to many issues, for example, we need to focus on privacy, because more social media will increase the problem of privacy leaks. And we also need to learn media literacy, including the ability to access and analyze media information. Because we live in a powerful media world, the media can influence us through all kinds of information, and this influence is very powerful, and we need to judge right and wrong.

Final assignment – chengzhen li

Our group video from Zhihan(Amy)Bai’ blog:


-Describe the key characteristics of any discussed social media platforms.

-What features & characteristics of existing media technologies make them effective for personal


Hey folks, my name is Zihan Bai, but you can call me Amy. I am currently studying major of psychology and fourth year student. I would say I am a bit old fashion don’t use social media a ton. I only used WeChat, YouTube, Netflix, Facebook, and Spotify sometimes. However, I can not live without social media. I had learned couple social media key characteristics such as content creator, build profile and instant communication. Social media also created several media terms or slang that make conversation easier. Content creator basically means users, or anyone can create post and post video online. It is bring human connection closer especially during pandemic. For example, when we study online or family/friends are living in another city, we can reach out them easily. Even without being around us all the time. When they see the post that we share, they will know what is going on in our life. Creating post also help social interactions and express emotions or even solve personal problems. For example, one time my old house pipe broken, and house got overflow. Then, I just make a post looking for help in my Facebook group. Couple minutes later, there are bunch of people message me to help take a look and find a 24-hour plumber as well. People don’t let you wait. If I was trying to fix the problem myself, it might take a day or two. In the teaching system, teacher is posting information all the time. It will get to student faster and easier for them to make changes as well. Furthermore, people build profile in different websites to find jobs. It helps build economy worldwide. Creating image, text, video, and symbols are easy tools. It is probably easier to send a face emoji because it is direct express feeling instead video calls or meet up.  Sometimes people say it is hard to see what other people think but emoji or symbol make direct connections.


– How does the technology allow you to enhance/develop your digital identity/reputation?
-What are social considerations that should be accounted for?

How Technology Enhances Our Digital Reputation

Digital Identity is the image that we project to the entire world and is crucial to our communal and business success (Hall, 2021). This allows us to create our identity online and hope that others will recognize us online. Kelly notes that most of us are using social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram in one way or the other (2019). These social media platforms enable us to build our online identity through the messages, pictures, and information we post online. Similarly, through the accounts we follow and are tagged, individuals who use social media platforms build a reputation for themselves (Hall, 2021). In essence, the advancement of technology in the social media sector has provided us with an opportunity to build our image which can be leveraged to secure employment or business contacts. 

Social Considerations in Building Digital Identity

One of the social considerations when creating a digital identity is the possibility of such an identity being the basis of profiling.This implies that one has to be careful with regards to the information they leave behind online as this might be used to discriminate against them. Another social implication of digital identities is the issue of unsolicited consent. Khatchatourov & Chardel (2019) argues that digital platforms, especially social media, involve exposing tones of personal information online that most companies extract and use without the consent of the owner of the information. This brings the issue of privacy breaches as most companies tend to take ownership of the information in our digital identities without our knowledge.


Hall, J. (2021). “Digital Identity: The Trending Tech Concept Changing How We Live.” Forbes,

Kelly, N. (2019). “Digital Identity Management And Digital Wellbeing Unpacked.” Digital Insights And Discovery,

Khatchatourov, A & Chardel, P-A. (2019). “The ethical challenges of digital identity.” The Conversation, www./


-What are the ways the technology tracks and uses your data – how can this be used to benefit a PLN?
-What are the strengths and weaknesses of the privacy, security and acceptable use policies for the social media platforms.

My name is bingxin xia,I will talk about Discuss the social media platform usually contains many arguments. People will start a debate on a certain topic, PresentING THEIR own arguments up front and give corresponding evidence to support their arguments. In many cases, however, when people get too emotional, the discussion turns into a personal attack. People often bring their own prejudices about certain regions or certain social groups into their debates.

Modern media can make it easier for people to learn, they provide the following help to make it easier for people to master the knowledge they need. First of all, many media allow the existence of dual pictures. That is to say, while looking at the gestures or expressions of the lecturers, we can also see the slides they made. Therefore, we can more easily understand the relatively obscure content. In addition, modern media also provide a variety of subtitles. If we hope to master the knowledge, it will be taught by foreigners, and our foreign language ability is not enough for us to understand the content taught by foreign lecturers. In this case, we can better understand the knowledge mentioned in the lecture by reading the subtitles.

There is a teacher from Austria(Who’s Hu) on the Chinese website bilibili. The young Austrian taught learners how to make western food, such as ice cream or pizza. This  youngster quickly attracted many fans and ranked high on bilibili’s food teaching list. The audience liked the young Austrian not only because the food he made tasted good, but also because he could teach in Chinese throughout the course. His Chinese pronunciation is accurate, clear and easy to understand. This allows many Chinese who want to learn authentic western food to learn authentic western cooking methods.

Food bloggers, including this young Austrian, usually use appetizing images as the cover of their videos to attract more followers to learn how to make these dishes. In addition, they also like to simplify the steps of making these delicacies as much as possible, and use common ingredients to replace some exotic ingredients to ensure that learners can easily obtain these food-making materials. In order to get more attention, they also tried their best to reproduce the food of some restaurants. They try to choose well-known dishes from well-known restaurants, and the more refined they look, the better. After they successfully reproduced, they filmed the process of making this dish, accompanied them with their detailed explanation, and then presented the video to the audience. To facilitate the audience to learn.

Bloggers usually use the number of followers and the number of followers to determine whether they are successful. If in a short period of time, their number of followers has skyrocketed, it means that a certain video they made is quite popular. Others weigh their success by the number of ads they receive. Getting enough ads means they can make more money. At the same time, if the advertising company is willing to find them for cooperation, it means that the advertising company recognizes their teaching videos.

Who’s Hu. White Sausage Breakfast. 2022


Provide examples of individuals who have used a PLN to become leaders in a field of interest, and discuss their presence on the platform?

How do they use social media platforms to build their reputation/presence?

Hello everyone, my name is Tengfei Shi, my major in economic, and this is my last semester in Uvic.Many individuals have used PLN to become leaders in a specific area, and we want to introduce Pamela Reif as a famous blogger in the physical fitness area, She is a 23 years old and from Germany. She joined YouTube in 2013 and has 8.83 million subscribers to date. Pamela is not only an blogger, but also a fitness teacher because she created the efficient fat-burning exercise by her name, which is practiced by many netizens.

 Pamela’s success has a lot to do with the spread of social media. In 2012, as a high school student, Pamela noticed that her video about food and selfies on instagram was getting a lot of attention, and she  realized that fitness could get more attention on social media. So she decided to make some exercise videos and post them on social media, and just a year later, she has half a million  followers.. so After that, Pamela decided to create  her own fitness channel on YouTube in 2013 . Pamela makes her work stand out from the rest of the bloggers by highlighting the details in her videos. Clean and beautiful backgrounds, simple and clear post-production(Brock,2019).At the same time, Pamela keeps up with frequent updates and actively interacts with her fans. On average, she updates her YouTube account four times a month and her Instagram account 15 times a month. She shares her workout plans on Instagram, encourages others to practice together and posts workout videos on YouTube. In terms of fan interaction, Pamela will guide her fans to re-share fitness and training, so that one-way fitness videos can become interactive two-way content and further improve the spread on social media! And improve her PLN quality.Those followers on YouTube who have successfully lost weight will share Pamela channel with their friends. Her Intimate interaction with her fans has also increased engagement, and finally becomeone of the top fitness bloggers on YouTube.

Brock, D.(2019):The Journey To Top Blogger : This course will give you great tips how to become a top blogger and generate a passive income., Scribl, 2019. ProQuest Ebook Central,


How would you know that your PLN is a success? Hello everyone, my name is Tianxiang wang, you can also call me Wang or Huni. I’m a senior in economics and I’m a big fan of social media software like Tiktok, Instagram, and WeChat. My question is about how to know one’s own PLN is successful. I think pageviews and click-through rate are the most important things in Tiktok, and a lot of click-through ratecan increase the exposure of the video so that more people can see it. There may be various advertisers among these people, and they will contact you to cooperate if they like your video. Earning money from videos is also an important factor in proving success. Views and comments and followers are more important in Instagram. Many celebrity entertainers, company leaders and government officials like to post announcements, plans or people of preference through Instagram. The number of fans in instagram can be said to represent the popularity and the success of the account. A large number of followers is beneficial to the speed and influence of the information you publish. If you have tens of millions of fans, a sentence, a video or a photo you share may be recognized and promoted by millions of people. One of my favorite Instagram bloggers is Edison Chen, who has 3.11 million followers. His account is edcee3000, where he often shares photos of his family and art. His work is fashion brand clothing, the clothes he wears and the brands he designs are loved and sought after by tens of thousands of people. The most used social platform software in China is called Wechat. Its main sharing features are videos, photos and texts that only friends can see. The social reach is limited, but the amount of likes and comments is the most important way to succeed. Good sharing can be recognized by friends and increase daily understanding and joy. A lot of social costs affect how people socialize. Wechat can be a good solution. Only friends can see and share. On the one hand, it protects privacy, and on the other hand, it allows shy and vulnerable groups to better show themselves. This is where it is very successful, and it is a very successful embodiment. If you are a professional media social platform worker, among the most used social media software. Your PLN brings you a lot of income, so it must be the most successful for you. Reference

Blog 5 – PLN & Education

photo by Catlin Tucker

Community communications go beyond blogs and social media shares, how does a PLN help and hinder the development of thoughts and ideas in education discourse?

Community communication goes beyond blogging and social media sharing and has become more effective and faster, but sometimes community communication can help and hinder the development of ideas and concepts in educational discourse. For example, a good PLN can help establish a positive learning environment between teachers and learners, like the brightspace we use at UVIC, or tophat, zoom, etc. These PLN can help us to do our work more quickly and efficiently, or to establish a more reliable connection between students and students, and students and teachers in the classroom. But some PLN have turned out to hinder the development of ideas and concepts in educational discourse. For example, sites like chegg, again such sites are convenient for scholars to communicate, but students often use such sites to cheat and plagiarize. Even during exams such sites are used. This creates a negative PLN environment.

How do educators create discourse? What is the role of social media in education?

The role of social media in education is enormous. First of all social media is like a bridge in education, it links the communication between students and between students and teachers. Students can improve their communication skills by communicating with each other through social media or by completing group assignments. Communication between students and teachers through social media can greatly improve communication efficiency and reduce communication costs, such as in the case of our online courses.

What are some problems with social media communications in education settings?

The first problem with social media communication in an educational setting I think is regulation and reality because there is a lot of uncertainty and uncontrollability in social media, for example, if we take a test or answer a question through social media (Zoom, Brightspace , etc), because it’s done on the web, we can’t guarantee whether the student will open the page to search or take the test with others through social media.

Blog 4 – Balancing PLN, Media Literacy and Public Discourse

photo by By Kristin M. Lord & Katya Vogt 

For most of us, social media is an important part of people’s daily lives. The maximum use of social media is to make it easier to contact others, or to share interesting things in life or photos, but there are also people who use the diversity and breadth of social media to make money. But as celebrities, they can market their movies, music or concerts or endorse products while having a huge number of fans in social media. It’s like appearing in the public eye PLN, which can make the information they post more impactful. Having a large number of fans means that they have to carry more social responsibility, their every word and action is affecting the society, and they need to be responsible for what they say. They need to be responsible for what they say, because any wrong statement can incite people’s emotions and lead to a big disaster. Also their social media can give a voice to social injustice and make the government pay attention to it.

Secondly, the construction of a reliable PLN in a connected society requires verifiable resources, which I believe need to be better regulated, for example, in terms of the reliability of information, spreading a false message a dozen to a hundred, which will send society into a panic, thus bringing uncontrollable consequences. For example, a few years ago there was a nuclear leak in Japan, but in China there was a rumor that there was a shortage of salt, and people began to spend a lot of money on salt, which led to an increase in prices, but then experts avoided the rumor that the nuclear leak would not affect the supply of salt. So we need to verify the reliability of these network resources, and people need to improve their ability to discriminate information so that they can build dependable pln.

In the end, because we live in a powerful media world where the media can influence us through a variety of messages, and this influence is very powerful, we need to learn media literacy, including the ability to access and analyze media messages and to create, reflect and act on them, to use the power of information and communication to change the world, and to raise awareness of media influence. Positive impact for the people.

Blog 3 – My PLN, Inclusion & Community Engagement.

For PLN, I think it must have diversity because pln is originally PLN is a global online community and PLN has unlimited openness. It can share each other’s ideas, and resources, with scholars from all over the world. When one’s PLN has some diversity, it will enrich the ideas and resources that one wants to share, and it will also attract more people to communicate and discuss with you. It also allows for better development of the pln.

Secondly, digital identity is the most important part of PLN because digital identity is our identity on the web, and this identity includes your identity on chat software (WeChat, messaging) or the identity you want to show to others on various social software (YouTube, Ins, Facebook). These identities will allow you to meet all kinds of people, and when all these software are integrated into the PLN, a rich and diverse PLN will be formed.

I try to enrich my PLN as much as possible, enrich my social media, because I think that one person’s opinion can never be accepted by everyone, so I share my opinion and welcome others to comment, I read other people’s suggestions carefully, and I may discuss ideas with others. For the results of PLN’s study I think it was very successful because I have a lot of social media and these social media helped me to meet a lot of friends before different countries in the world, and we would share our opinions together, right or wrong, and we would all give each other enough inclusiveness.

For the real world, social media is the most convenient and common way for people to communicate. But social media can also face many challenges, such as the problem of information authenticity, and the increasing number of online fraud in recent years, leading to a growing distrust of social media. And, because there are a variety of people posting different opinions on social media, some people use malicious language to attack others in order to amplify their different opinions, resulting in “cyber violence”. From this point of view inclusiveness needs to be improved, and in order to have a good PLN and social media environment, we need better regulation.


Hi Yutong,

Thank you for sharing a very detailed and interesting blog, after reading your blog I have very many new ideas. You went into great detail about what a digital identity is, “A digital identity is more like a person’s footprint on the web” I think that makes a lot of sense. And by reading your article, I learned more about how social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) is more than just a communication platform social platform that represents itself. Rather, it’s a platform for digital identity fusion. And these platforms need to be better regulated. For example, some people will Share some very unhealthy content that can mislead others to do something criminal and illegal. I really liked how you explainend about this class and I am wondering if you can tell me more about internet Security, that will be great!

Link to Yutong’s blog:

Blog 2 – Personal Learning Network and My Visitor & Resident Maps

In 21 century people’s lives are full of digital, each of us will have our own digital identity. A digital identity is the subject of information about a person, organization or electronic device that exists online. We use our user name, avatar, password, date of birth and online interests, such as the types of videos we watch most and our purchase history. To form our own unique digital identity. When we have a digital identity, big data will know our interests and provide us with targeted content and advertising. We can also create various Social Media platforms that allow us to get closer to other people and communicate more easily. At the same time we can also create our own personal learning network.

PLN is a global online community, and PLN has an unrestricted openness. Ideas, resources and learning materials can be shared with educators around the world. It is maintained through various Social Media platforms and can be enhanced by following useful blogs and video content. In addition pln is very special value because everyone’s new ideas and information are changing the world faster than ever.

Of course we can develop our own professional network through various social media, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and so on. Because these social media have better privacy and are used by a large number of people, we can better share our ideas and experiences.

I think we should give more consideration to security when we expand our professional learning network, because our personal private information is the most important anyway, only by ensuring the security of personal information can we form a healthier network environment and we can communicate more effectively. If can not guarantee data security, people won’t share it on PLN. Another aspect we need to learn to deal with different information. There are some spam messages that we should simply ignore, and we need to choose the more useful ones in order to help us learn and share the right ideas. In my website, I will create a real and positive digital image as much as possible, and I will share the right information, not some misinformation that misleads others. I will also consider online safety. I will not disclose my private information such as my bank card.

Welcome and Introduction

Before proceeding with this first blog post, we expect you to consider your privacy preferences carefully and that you have considered the following options:

  1. Do you want to be online vs. offline?
  2. Do you want to use your name (or part thereof) vs. a pseudonym (e.g., West Coast Teacher)?
  3. Do you want to have your blog public vs. private? (Note, you can set individual blog posts private or password protected or have an entire blog set to private)
  4. Have you considered whether you are posting within or outside of Canada? This blog on is hosted within Canada. That said, any public blog posts can have its content aggregated/curated onto social networks outside of Canada.

First tasks you might explore with your new blog:

  • Go into its admin panel found by adding /wp-admin at the end of your blog’s URL
  • Add new category or tags to organize your blog posts – found under “Posts” (but do not remove the pre-existing “edci338” category).
  • See if your blog posts are appearing on the course website (you must have the the edci338 category assigned to a post first and have provided your instructor with your blog URL)
  • Add pages, if you like.
  • Include hyperlinks in your posts (select text and click on the link icon in the post toolbar)
  • Embed images or set featured images and embed video in blog posts and pages (can be your own media or that found on the internet, but consider free or creative commons licensed works). To embed a YouTube video, simply paste the URL on its own line.
  • Under Dashboard/Appearance,
    • Select your preferred website theme and customize to your preferences (New title, new header image, etc.)
    • Customize menus & navigation
    • Use widgets to customize blog content and features
  • Delete this starter post (or switch it to draft status if you want to keep it for reference)

Do consider creating categories for each course that you take should you wish to document your learning (or from professional learning activities outside of formal courses). Keep note, however, that you may wish to rename the label of the course category in menus (e.g., as we did where it shows “Social Media & PL” as the label for the “edci338” category menu.  This will enable readers not familiar with university course numbers to understand what to expect in the contents.

Lastly, as always, be aware of the FIPPA as it relates to privacy and share only those names/images that you have consent to use or are otherwise public figures. When in doubt, ask us.

Please also review the resources from our course website for getting started with blogging:

Test Social Media Post

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  1. in the blog feed on the front of your website
  2. in the Learning Design menu on your website. This is because we have applied the “edci338” category to this post and the menu item “Social Media & Personalized Learning” has been created from the category “edci338.” For every post you make for this course, please assign the “edci338” category to it. You are welcome to use this blog for your personal hobbies or for other courses, in which case, you could create additional menu items and categories for them.
  3. if you give permission, your posts categorized “edci338” will be aggregated onto the Blog Feed on the EDCI 338 Course Website.

Feel free to delete this post once you understand this. If you have any questions, please reach out to your instructor.